It is an unexpected unwanted event which disturbs entire flow of the program. RealTimeExample:

1) SleepingException
2) TirePuncharedException

If we are not handling exception, the program may terminate abnormally with out releasing allocated resources. This is not a graceful termination. Being a good programming practice compulsory we should handle exceptions for graceful termination of the program.

Exception handling means it is not repairing an exception we are providing alternative way to continue the program normally. For example if out programming requirement is to read the data from London file, if at runtime London file is not available, we have to provide a local file as the part of exception handling. So that respect of the program will be continued normally.

Runtime Stack Mechanism

For every thread JVM will create a runtime stack. All the method calls performed by the thread will be sorted in the corresponding runtime stack. If a method terminates normally the corresponding entry from the stack will be removed. After completing all the method calls the stack is empty. Just before terminating the thread JVM will destroy
the corresponding stack.

class ExceptionDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void doStuff()
public static void doMoreStuff()
System.out.println("Hi this is Exception ...........Thread");

Default Exception Handling
class ExceptionDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void doStuff()
public static void doMoreStuff()
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArithmeticException: /by zero
          At ExceptionDemo.doMoreStuff(
          At ExceptionDemo.doStuff(
          At ExceptionDemo.main(

exception object by including the following information Name of Exception. Description. Location of Exception. After preparation of Exception Object, The method handovers the object to the JVM, JVM will check for Exception handling code in that method if the method doesn’t contain any exception handling code then JVM terminates that method abnormally and removes corresponding entry from the stack.

JVM will check for exception handling code in the caller and if the caller method also doesn’t contain exception handling code then JVM terminates that caller method abnormally and removes corresponding entry from the stack. This process will be continued until main method and if the main method also doesn’t contain any exception handling code then JVM terminates main method abnormally. Just before terminating the program JVM handovers the responsibilities of exception handling to default exception handler. Default exception handler prints the error in the following format.

Name of Exception : Description
Exception Hierarchy

Throwable is the parent of entire java exception hierarchy. It has 2 child classes

1) Exception.
2) Error.


These are recoverable. Most of the cases exceptions are raised due to program code only.


Errors are non-recoverable. Most of the cases errors are due to lack of system resources but not due to our programs.

Checked Vs UnChecked

The Exceptions which are checked by the compiler for smooth execution of the program at runtime are called ‘checked exception’

Ex:- IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException.

The Exceptions which are unable to checked by the compiler are called ‘unchecked exceptions’ Runtimeexception and it’s child classes, Error and it’s child classes are considered as unchecked exceptions and all the remaining  considered as checked.

Whether the exception is checked or unchecked it always occur at runtime only.

Partially checked Vs fully checked

A checked exception is said to be fully checked iff all it’s child classes also checked.
Ex:- IOException.

A checked exception is said to be partially checked if some of it’s child classes are not checked.

Ex:- Exception, Throwable.(image here)

Exception Handling By Using try ,catch

We have to place the risky code inside the try block and the corresponding exception handling code inside catch block.

//Risky code
catch (X e)
//handling code

Without Exception handling code

class Test                                                  class Test
{                                                                  {
   p.s.v.main(String arg[])                            p.s.v.main(String arg[])
   {                                                                  {
      s.o.p(“Statement 1”);                                s.o.p(“statement1”);
          s.o.p(10/0);                                                 try
         s.o.p(“Statement 2”);                                   {
     }                                                                        s.o.p(“Statement1”);
}                                                                            }
                                                                catch(ArithmeticException e)
 Abnormal termination                                  s.o.p(10/2);
                                                                   s.o.p(“statement 2”);
                                                                   Normal termination

Control Flow in try, catch

 statement 1;
 statement 2;
 statement 3;
catch (X e)
 statement 4;
 statement 5;

Case1: if there is no exception
1,2,3,5 normal termination.
Case2: if there is an exception raised at statement 2 and the corresponding catch block matched. 1,4,5 normal termination.
Case3: if an exception raised at statement 2 but the corresponding catch block is not matched 1 Abnormal termination.
Case4: if an exception raised at statement 4 or statement 5 it is always abnormal termination.

The Methods to display Exception Information

Throwable class contains the following methods to display error information.
printStackTrace: It displays error information in the following format.
Name of Exception : Description
toString: it displays error in the following format.
Name of Exception : Description
getMessage: it displays error information in the following format.

Class Test
    public static void main(String arg[])
          catch(ArithmeticException e)

Note: Default Exception handler always uses printStackTrace method only.
try with multiple catch blocks

The way of handling exception is valid from exception to exception. Hence for every exception we should define corresponding catch blocks hence try with multiple catch blocks is possible.

risky code
catch (ArithmeticException e )
//handler to A.E
catch (NullPointerException e)
//handler for N.P.E
catch(IOException e)
//handler for IOException
catch(Exception e)
//handler for Exception
In the case of try with multiple catch blocks the order of catch blocks is important. And it should be from child to parent other wise Compiler       Error. Saying Exception xxx has already been caught

Try                                                              try
{                                                                  {
risky code                                                            //risky code
}                                                                  }
catch (Exception e )                                  catch (ArithmeticException e ) e )
{                                                                  {}
                                                                   catch(Exception e)
}                                                                  {}
catch (ArithmeticException e)

                                                        C.E java.lang.ArithmeticException
                                                                   has already been caught

Note: right code                                      Note: wrong code

If there is no chance of raising an exception in try statement then we r not allowed to maintain catch block for that exception violation leads to compile time error but this rule is applicable only for fully checked

Try                                             try
{                                               {
System.out.println("Hi");              System.out.println("Hi");           
}                                               }
catch (ArithmeticException e)  catch (Exception e)
{                                                 {
 }                                                 }

                          Note: Both are right code here

Try                                             try
{                                               {
System.out.println("Hi");              System.out.println("Hi");           
}                                               }
catch (IOException e)               catch (InterruptedException e)
{                                                 {
 }                                                 }

                 Note: wrong Code

It is not recommended to place cleanup code inside try statement because there is no guarantee for execution of all statements inside try block.

It is not recommended to maintain cleanup code with in the catch block because if there is no execution the catch blocks won’t be executed. We required a block to maintain cleanup code which should execute always irrespective of whether the exception is raised or not whether it is handled or not , such block is nothing but “finally block” Hence the main objective of finally block is to maintain cleanup code.

//open the database connection
//read the data
catch (X e)
close the Connection

Try                                                 try
{                                                     {
System.out.println("try");                    System.out.println(10/0);
}                                                     }
catch (ArithmeticException e)       catch (ArithmeticException e)
{                                                      {
System.out.println("catch");               System.out.println("catch");
}                                                     }
finally                                                          finally
{                                                        {
System.out.println("finally");                 System.out.println("finally");
}                                                      }

Hence finally block should always execute irrespective of whether the execution is raised or not raised or handled or not handled. The finally block won’t be executed if the system it self exists(JVM shutdown) i.e in the case of System.exit() finally block won’t be executed.
catch (ArithmeticException e)
Difference Between final, finally, finalize
final: It is the modifier applicable for classes methods and variables. For final classes we can’t create child classes i.e inheritance is not possible.

final() methods can’t be override in child classes for final variables reassignments is not possible because they are constants.

finally: It is a block associated with try catch the main objective of finally block is to maintain cleanup code which should execute always.

finalize: It is a method should be executed by the “Garbage Collector” just before destroying an object. The main objective of finalize method is to maintain cleanup code.

Note:- when compared with finalize, finally is always recommended to maintain cleanup code because there is no guarantee for the exact behavior of “Garbage Collector” it is Virtual Machine Dependent.

Control flow in try - catch – finally

The following program will demonstrates the control flow in different cases.


class ExceptionDemo
public static void main(String arg[])
catch (X e)

Case1: if there is no exception, then the statements 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 will execute with normal termination.
Case2: if an exception raised at statement-2 and the corresponding catch block matched, then the statements 1, 4, 5, 6 will execute with normal termination.
Case3: if an exception raised at statement-2 but the corresponding catch block not matched then the statements 1, 5, 6 will execute with abnormal termination.
Case4: if an exception raised at statement-2 and while executing the corresponding catch block at statement–4 an exception raised then the statements 1, 5 will execute with abnormal termination.
Case5: if an exception raised at statement-5 or at statement-6 then it is always abnormal condition.

Control flow in nested try – catch – finally

The following program will demonstrates the flow of nested try –catch – finally.
statement 1;
statement 2;
statement 3;
statement 4;
statement 5;
statement 6;
catch (X e)
statement 7;
statement 8;
statement 9;
catch (Y e)
statement 10;
statement 11;
statement 12;

Case1: if there is no exception then the statements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 will execute with normal termination.
Case2: if an exception raised at statement-2 and the corresponding catch block matched then the statements 1, 10, 11, 12 will execute with normal termination.
Case3: if an exception raised at statement-2 but the corresponding catch block not matched then the statements 1, 11, 12 will execute with abnormal termination.
Case4: if an exception raised at statement-5 and the corresponding inner catch has matched then the statements 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 will execute with normal termination.
Case5: if an exception raised at statement-5 and the inner catch has not matched but outer catch has matched then the statements 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12 will execute with normal termination.
Case6: if an exception raised at statement-5 but the inner and outer catch blocks are not matched then the statements 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11 will execute with abnormal termination.
Case7: if an exception raised at statement-7 and
i) If outer catch block has matched then the statements 1, 2, 3, - - - 8, 10, 11, 12 will execute with normal termination.
ii) If the outer catch block has not matched then the statements 1, 2, 3, - - - 8, 11 will execute with abnormal termination.
Case8: if an exception raised at statement-8 and
i) If outer catch has matched then the statements 1, 2, 3, - - - will execute with normal termination.
ii) If outer catch has not matched then the statements 1, 2, 3, - - - 11 will execute with abnormal termination.
Case9: if an exception raised at statement-9 and
i) If the outer catch has matched then the statements 1, 2, 3 - - -8, 10, 11, 12 will execute with normal termination.
ii) If the outer catch has not matched then the statements 1, 2, 3 - - -8, 11 will execute with abnormal termination.
Case10: if an exception raised at statement-10 it is always abnormal termination but before termination compulsory the finally block should be executed.
Case11: if an exception raised at statement-11 or 12 it is always abnormal termination.

throw keyword

By using throw we can hand – over exception object to the JVM. The out put of the following two programs is same.

1)class Test
public static void main(String arg[])

2)class Test
public static void main(String arg[])
throw new ArithmeticException ("/ by zero...!");

Here in first case main method is responsible for the creation of exception object and hand – over that object to the JVM.

In the second case we created object explicitly and hand – over that object to the JVM programmatically by throw key – word.

throw e;
Where ‘e’ à Any throwable object

Class Test
public static void main(String arg[])
throw new Test();
C.E: incompatible types
Found : Test
Required: java.lang.Throwable
                          Throw new Test();

class Test extends RuntimeException
public static void main(String arg[])
throw new Test();
R.E:Exception in thread “main” Test
                   At Test.main(

class Test
static ArithmeticException e = new ArithmeticException();
public static void main(String arg[])
throw e;
R.E:Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at Test.main(

Here Explicitly we created a object to the ArithmeticExcption class and that object was thrown by thow to
the JVM.


class Test
static ArithmeticException e;
public static void main(String arg[])
throw e;
R.E:Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException
          At Test.main(

Here we didn’t create Object to the AritmeticExcepiton class just we created a reference, so reference variable is not pointing to any object and we thrown only reference variable that’s why only it shows NullPointerException.

After throw keyword we are not allowed to place any statements directly other wise compile time error.
class Test
public static void main(String arg[])
throw new ArithmeticException();
System.out.println("After throw statement...!");
} unreachable statement
          System.out.prntln(“After throw statement…..!”);
Directly in the sense indirectly we can place any statements after throw. See the following example.

class Test
public static void main(String arg[])
                   throw new ArithmeticException();
              System.out.println("After throw statement...!");


If our code may be a chance of raising checked exception then compulsory we should handle that checked exception either by using try, catch or we have to delegate that responsibility to the caller using throws keyword other wise C.E saying UnreportedException : XXXException must be caught or declared to be thrown

class Test
public static void main(String arg[])

We can resolve this problem either by using try catch or by using throws keyword as follows

Hence the main objective of throws keyword is to delegate the responsibilities of exception handling to the caller.
class Test
 public static void main(String arg[]) throws InterruptedException
public static void doStuff() throws InterruptedException
public static void doMoreStuff() throws InterruptedException
   System.out.println("I am in office");
If we are not taking at least one throws keyword we will get Compiler Error. If the parent class constructor throws some checked exception then the child class constructor must throw same checked exception or its parent other wise compiler error.
class Test
public static void main(String arg[])
catch (InterruptedException e)

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