The RequestProcessor of Struts framework is an implementation of
Application Controller pattern that takes many infrastructure responsibilities
mainly Action management and View Management. The RequestProcessor is a plain
Java class. The object is created and initialized by the Action Servlet while
the ActionServlet is being initialized as explained in the above section, this
class implements importantly three public methods that allows the ActionServlet
to initialize the module, delegate request to process, and destroy the module,
the method signature of these methods is shown in the below given snippet.
Code Snippet
Public void init (org.apche.struts.action.ActionServlet,org.apache.struts.config.
Public void process (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,javax.servlet.http
Public void destroy()
As shown in the above code
snippet init() method of the RequestProessor takes two arguments one is
ActionServlet and the second is ModuleConfig. As described in the above section
in the initialization process of ActionServlet, it creates a ModuleConfig object
encapsulating the descriptions of the module configured in the respective
struts configuration file. The ActionServlet creates an instance of
RequestProcessor instance newly created injecting its instance reference(i.e
ActionServlet) and ModuleConfilg, which initializes the RequestProcessor
instance making it prepared to handle the client request for this module. In
case of any problem in initialization, RequestProcessor throws a
ServletException to the ActionServlet.
When ActionServlet receives the
request after doing its job it delegates the request to RequestProcessor by
invoking process() method of RequestProcessor i.e process() method of
RequestProcessor is invoked for every time when client request for this module.
The process method is responsible to handle the request where it needs to
perform number of request processing tasks the RequestProcessor class is
designed using Chain of Responsibility(COR) pattern to implement these tasks.
The RequestProcesssor class implements separate methods to process each
request- processing task the sequence of request processing of tasks that are
executed is described in the following table.
Method Name
This method checks if the request is multipart request then the request
object is wrapped into a special request wrapper object that facilitates to
get the multipart content easily
Resolve the request URI to locate the action to which this request
has to be dispatched
Retrieves the client locale from the request and saves it into the
session scope in case if it is not available in session and the <controller>
Element in this modules configuration file describes locale attribute
value as true, which is by default true.
Set the default content type with optional character encoding for the
This method sets no-cache HTTP response header if necessary.
This method is given to allow the application provider to include
some custom pre processing’s in handling the request, this method of
RequestProcessor class does not performs any request processing task, it
simply return true, s described this used when we subclass the
Removes any ActionMessages object stored in the session under
Globals.MESSAGE_KYE and Globals.ERROR_KEY keys if the messages isAccessed()
method returns true. This allows messages to be stored in the session,
display one time, and be released here.
Select the mapping used to process the action path for this request.
This method performs a security check finding is there any role
required to perform this action , if so then find whether the requested user
has permission to access the action.
This method process a ActionForm bean configured to the requested
action if any, like this loctes the form bean in the given scope if not found
creates a new form bean object
This method populates the form bean properties with respective
request parameter values.
This method makes a validation check on the form properties by invoking
validate() method on form bean object if required, the validate(0 method
invocation can be controlled using ‘validate’ attribute of <action> tag
in struts configuration file
This method is invoked in case if the processValidate() method throws
InvalidCancelException, which may be thrown because of the form beans error
This method forwards the request to the path specified by the mapping
using forward attribute of <action> element located using the path
returned by processPath() method
This method includes the request to the path specified by the mapping
using include attribute of <action> element located using the path
returned by processPath() method.
This method locates an Action instance to process this request if
not found then creates a new instance
This method invokes execute() method on the Action instance created /
located using processActionCreate(). This method returns ActionForward that
is returned by the execute method or the ExceptionHandler
This method process the ActionForward instance retuned by the process
As shown in the architecture
and described in the above sections the request after processed by the Request
Processor will be delegated to Action instance so that the application provider
can add application specific code to
execute in request handling. The next Post describes about the Action class.
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