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                          This Post totally related to most frequently asking Java Persons Interview but related to Database side. Please see these and we have any better answers these questions please mail me so that I can update here.

Q) How to create table from existing table in oracle?

R) You can also create a table from an existing table by copying the existing table's columns. It is important to note that when creating a table in this way, the new table will be populated with the records from the existing table

Syntax #1 - Copying all columns from another table

The syntax for CREATING a table by copying all columns from another table is:

CREATE TABLE new_table
  AS (SELECT * FROM old_table);

For Example:

CREATE TABLE suppliers
    FROM companies
    WHERE id > 1000);

Syntax #2 - Copying selected columns from another table

The syntax for CREATING a table by copying selected columns from another table is:

CREATE TABLE new_table
  AS (SELECT column_1, column2, ... column_n FROM old_table);

For Example:

CREATE TABLE suppliers
  AS (SELECT id, address, city, state, zip
      FROM companies
      WHERE id > 1000);

Syntax #3 - Copying selected columns from multiple tables

The syntax for CREATING a table by copying selected columns from multiple tables is:

CREATE TABLE new_table
  AS (SELECT column_1, column2, ... column_n
      FROM old_table_1, old_table_2, ... old_table_n);

For Example:

CREATE TABLE suppliers
  AS (SELECT, companies.address, categories.cat_type
      FROM companies, categories
      WHERE =
      AND > 1000);

Q) How to delete duplicates from the table?

1. Using MIN(rowid) : The most common method of removing duplicate rows.

DELETE FROM tbl_test
                              FROM tbl_test
                          GROUP BY ser_no, fst_nm, deptid, cmnt);
Note: This will take hours & hours if the table is large (records in million).

2. Using MIN(rowid) & Join: More or less the same as first one

DELETE FROM tbl_test t
                              FROM tbl_test b
                             WHERE b.ser_no = t.ser_no
                               AND b.fst_nm = t.fst_nm
                               AND b.deptid = t.deptid
                               AND b.cmnt   = t.cmnt);

3. Using Subquery: This is an interesting one

DELETE FROM tbl_test
   WHERE ser_no IN (SELECT ser_no FROM tbl_test GROUP BY ser_no,
      fst_nm,  deptid, cmnt HAVING COUNT (*) > 1)
  AND fst_nm IN (SELECT fst_nm FROM tbl_test GROUP BY ser_no, 
       fst_nm, deptid, cmnt HAVING COUNT (*) > 1)
  AND deptid IN (SELECT deptid FROM tbl_test GROUP BY ser_no, 
       fst_nm, deptid, cmnt HAVING COUNT (*) > 1)
  AND cmnt   IN (SELECT cmnt   FROM tbl_test GROUP BY ser_no, 
      fst_nm, deptid,  cmnt HAVING COUNT (*) > 1)
                   FROM tbl_test
                   GROUP BY ser_no, fst_nm, deptid, cmnt
                   HAVING COUNT (*) > 1)
Note: A complicated way of performing the same task. Not efficient.
4. Using Nested Subqueries:

DELETE FROM tbl_test a
  WHERE (a.ser_no, a.fst_nm, a.deptid, a.cmnt) IN (SELECT b.ser_no, b.fst_nm, 
                       b.deptid, b.cmnt  FROM tbl_test b
                                                    WHERE a.ser_no = b.ser_no
                                                      AND a.fst_nm = b.fst_nm
                                                      AND a.deptid = b.deptid
                                                      AND a.cmnt   = b.cmnt
                                                      AND a.ROWID  > b.ROWID);
Note: Will work but for large tables, this is not efficient.

5. Using Analytic Fucntions:

DELETE FROM tbl_test
             SELECT rid
              FROM (SELECT ROWID rid,
                  ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY ser_no, fst_nm, deptid, 
                                  cmnt ORDER BY ROWID) rn
                         FROM tbl_test)
                WHERE rn <> 1);
Note: This is by far one of the best solutions if the table is really really large. Using the invaluable power of Analytics.

6. CREATE-DROP-RENAME:  This one is a more appropriate solution in terms of resource usage in the sense that if we have a really large table, then with delete option we are generating a huge amount of UNDO information.(if we want to rollback for any reason). Even worst, the rollback segment may not be large enough to hold your UNDO information and give error. CTAS comes handy in this case.

Step 1.

   SELECT tbl_test .*
     FROM tbl_test tbl_test
                          ser_no, fst_nm, deptid, cmnt ORDER BY ROWID) rn 
                              FROM tbl_test)
              WHERE rn=1);
Step 2.

DROP TABLE tbl_test; --drop the original table with lots of duplicate
Step 3.

RENAME tbl_test1 TO tbl_test; -- your original table without duplicates.

Q) How to find highest salary in the table?


Simple solution is

Select sal from (Select rownum as salindex, sal from (Select distinct sal from emp order by sal desc)) where salIndex=&n

Just substitute the value of n at run time and get the nth max salary.

Q) I have a table in Oracle called orders which has the following fields: order_no, customer, and amount. I need a query that will return the customer who has ordered the highest total amount?

The following SQL should return the customer with the highest total amount in the orders table.

select query1.*
FROM (SELECT customer, Sum(orders.amount) AS total_amt
      FROM orders
      GROUP BY orders.customer) query1,
     (SELECT max(query2.total_amt) as highest_amt
      FROM (SELECT customer, Sum(orders.amount) AS total_amt
            FROM orders
            GROUP BY orders.customer) query2) query3
where query1.total_amt = query3.highest_amt;

Note: similar kind of another question for understanding

 Q) I’ve got a table named Scoring with two fields - Name and Score. What I want to get is the highest score from the table and the name of the player.

R: The following SQL SELECT statement should work:
SELECT Name, Score
FROM Scoring
WHERE Score = (select Max (Score) from Scoring);

Shortly I can add many more question here please tune once again.

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