This post is regarding Session Tracking information previous post totally servlet related information and what are the types of servlets your all seen right now what is the session Tracking you can know much very easy way okay lest start.

                             Http is stateless protocol. A web client opens a connection with the http server and requests some resource. The server responds with the requested resource and closes the connection with client. After closing the connection, the http server does not remember any information about the client. The server considers the next request from the same client as a fresh request, with no relation to the previous request. This is what the stateless nature of the Http protocol.

                                In enterprise web application it is mandatory that client and its associated data must be tracked at server side across multiple requests. There are four approaches to achieve this.

v  Hidden form fields
v  Cookies
v  Session tracking with Servlet API
v  URL rewriting

Note: for Hidden form fields mechanism there is no servlet API support available.

1.               Hidden form fields:-a hidden field is similar to an ordinary input field in HTML. The only difference is that the hidden field doesn't have an associated user interface element. When the form that contains these hidden form fields is submitted, the values of these fields are sent with the request. On the server side, these values are received as request parameters. This mechanism works only when form is submitted, not when you click the hyperlink. The key point is that client in this mechanism. That is how state is managed across multiple requests. In J2EE environment this mechanism is not so widely used, as there is no Servlet API support available.

         Hey common I don’t want to give Para’s matter here. I can show you video’s for better understand that why I am giving here let see why you are late.

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