Hi All viewers of my blog people I am not giving much more bored related to basic jee concepts. Why because most of the blog reader these basic information already  know but my focus on who are switching into java technology  this basic information is useful any have we are accepting my previous post also now I am jump into servlets concepts. Here I am giving some of the question raised

1.       Why we need Servlets?
2.      What is the use of Servlets?
3.      What is the life Cycle of Servlets?

                           The above question you know if know its not a problem jump into after the following video no problem. But my basic thought is I am try to give as much information with simple understandable way that the reason I am giving videos here. Please see the following video you can clear the above question . if you see any kind of movie we never forgotten right. If you read any kind story it may recollect or not but movie not like that. I hope we are enjoyed this kind of interesting learning practical java information.

In the above video life cycle methods only defined. Two more other methods also there

o   getServletConfig() and
o   getServletinfo()

1.getServletCofig(): Provides the ServletConfig object for initializing the parameters of servlet

2.getServletInfo(): Used for extracting the Servlet Metadata like

o   Author,
o   Servlet version and
o   Coptyright information

Note: To know more about the servlet lifecycle methods refer the API docs provided by SUN. Servlet documentation on Apache Software Foundation  website also you can find.

                    My Next post how to creating Servlet and all please see next post if you feel good share this to your friends.

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