In this post , you will learn
what form beans is, what its importance is, how to use form beans in struts
application, and then the validation mechanisms to validate the struts form
fields like programmatic and declarative, validation at server side and cliet
side. First we will start with what form beans is and what is its importance,
the following section describes what form beans is.
Form Bean in struts framework
is a simple java bean class that is a subtype of
org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm class. Form Beans provides a proper
mechanism to exchange the data between the view and actions with reduced
dependency i.e this serves as a transfer object pattern some times known as
Data Transfer Object(DTO). A part from this form beans separates the form data
conversions and validations from actions, which reduces the complexity of the
actions and provides a proper responsibility division. Note: It is not
recommended to use form beans as a Transfer Object for transferring the data
between the controller and Model since form beans are dependent on struts API
and it is not better practice to increase dependency in such a way.
Need of
Form Beans
Most of the Actions designed in
struts applications are required to process the form data and in all such an
actions if we try to obtain form data using getParameter() method of
ServletRequest, we will face the following problems
Ø Dependency
between the view & actions increases
Ø Data
conversions has to be performed from actions , which increases the complexity
of the action classes, affects the understandability of the action classes and
if the same conversions are required with different forms data then either
we need to implement them independently
or need to develop out own library.
Ø Affects
the productivity
Ø If any
validations are required for the form fields , they have to be performed in
action class, which once again increases the complexity
of Form Beans
Ø Form
Beans provides the following benefits:
Ø Separates
the form data conversions and validations from actions
Ø Serves
as a transfer object between the view
and controller i.e this follows Transfer Object pattern some times known as
Data Transfer Object(DTO)
Form bean in Struts application:
Using form beans in struts
application is a simple two-step operation, first write a form bean class and
then configure the form bean to work with the struts application, the following
section describes about these two operation in detail.
a Struts Form bean class
The regular form bean class is a java class that satisfies
the following rules:
Ø The
form bean class should be a public non-abstract class
Ø The
form bean class should be a subtype of org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm
Ø Form
bean class should have no-argument constructor ,we are allowed to have multiple
constructors as per our applications requirement
Ø The
form bean class should have a set and get method for each of the property that
it has to represented, where these set and get methods should be public as
written according to the java bean standards.
Ø The
form bean class can optionally override reset()and validate() methods of Action
Form, you will learn more about reset() and validate() methods in detail in the
next post.
The following code snippet shows a regular form bean class
that is designed to represent a login form with two properties, uname of type
java.lang.String and pass of type java.lang.String.
Package com.chandra.struts;
Import org.apache.struts .action.ActionForm;
Import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
Import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
Import org.spache.struts.action.ActionError;
Import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
Public class LoginForm extends ActionForm
Public LoginForm(){}
Public LoginForm(String
uname,String pass)
Public void setUname(String uname){this.uname=uname;}
Public String getUname(){return uname;}
Public void setPass(String pass){this.pass=pass;}
Public String getPass(){return pass;}
String uname,pass;
//optionally we can override validate() and reset() methods
reset() method
The reset() method of form bean
provides a mechanism to reset the form properties between action requests. The
reset() method is invoked before the form properties are repopulated, thus this
method can be considered as an initialization method per request for the bean.
The method signature of reset() method is shown in the snippet shown bellow
Public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, ServletRequest
The reset method does not have
any significance for the form bean objects that are configure to request scope.
The default implementation of this method given in
org.apache.struts.acton.ActionForm class does nothing i.e the method
implementation is empty.
validate() method
The validate() method of form
bean provides a mechanism to validate the form properties before the form bean
object is submitted to action. The validate() method is invoked after the form
properties are populated and before the action is invoked. The validate()
method is invoked olu of the validate attribute of <action> element in
struts configuration file is set to true. The complete method signature of
validate() method is shown in the snippet shown below.
Public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping
mapping,HttpServletRequest request)
As shown in the above code
snippet the validate() methods return type is an ActionErrors. The ActionErrors
encapsulates ActionMessage objects that describe any validation errors that
have been found. In case if the validate() method returns null or an
Actionerrors object with no recorded error messages i.e an empty ActionErrors,
then it describes the controller that there are no errors in validating the
form fields, the default implementation for this method in ActionForm return
null. However, if an Actionerrors with even a single error describes the
controller that there are failures in validating the form fields, in this case
the request is not delegated to Action instead it is dispatched to the input
page configured in the struts configuration file you will learn this
configurations in the next post.
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