The action class is a class that is a subtype of org.apache.struts.action.Action. The action class that is a part of controller provdes an entry point where we can start with our application code to process the request. As shown in the architecture RequestProcessor invokes the action by invoking the execute() method of the action , where the action takes the responsibility to communicate with the model components and prepare the data for the view that is required to prepare presentation. We need to the view that is required to prepare presentation. We need to configure the action I the struts configuration file using <action> tag configure the action in the struts configuration file using <action> tag and map it to a unique path so that the RequestProcessor can dispatch the request to our action when a client makes a request with the specified path the following snippet shows the mapping configuration in struts configuration file.

Code Snippet

<action path=”/login”

Now as we know the basic elements of the struts architecture we will now start with a first simple struts application that can explain about the basic configurations and as we move on we will learn the other elements of the struts architecture like form beans , exception handlers, plugins etc., The following post explains a basic struts example.

Writing your first Struts Application

Here to make the first example simple we are implementing a login process which is a well known process, this example consists of a Login.html which provides an entry point for this application by providing login view allowing the user to make a login action, the Login.html is shown in the following listing.


   <form action=””><pre>
  User Name : <input type=”text” name=”uname”/>
 Password  : <Input type=”password” name =”pass”/>
The request make using the Login.html is recived by the ActionServlet which then dispatches the request to the RequestProcessor. The RequestProcessor after some request processing tasks it invokes the execute method on the action class object, the LoaginAction class to process the login request is shown in the following

Package com.chandra.struts;
Import org.apache.struts.action.*;
Import javax.servlet.http.*;
·         @author Chandra
Public class LoginAction extends Action{
                Public  ActionFrward execute(ActionMapping am,ActionForm af,HttpServletRequest req,
                                                                                HttpServletResponse res)throws Exception{
                String uname= req.getParameter(“uname”);
                String pass=req.getParameter(“pass”);
                LoginModel lm = new LoginModel();
                String type=lm.validate(uname,pass);
                If(type==null)return am.findForward(“notValid”);
                Return am.findForward(type);

As show in the above LoginAction execute() method is invoking the validate() method on the LogingModel object where LoginModel is a plain java classs designed to perform business logic operation in this case validate the login details, the listing shows the

Package com.chandra.struts;
Import java.sql.*;
·         @ author Chandra
Public class LoginModel{
                Public String Validate(String uname,String pass){
                Connection con=null;
                Statement st = con.createStatement();
                ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(
“select type from userdetails where username=\”+uname+”\’and userpass=\’”+pass+”\’”);
                Return rs.getString(1);
                Catch(Exception e){}
                Finally{try{con.close();}catch(Exception e){}}
                Return null;
}// }//class

As we have discussed in the above sections we need to configure the action in to the struts configuration file, here in this example we are configuring only one module i.e default module and default module and default configuration file name of default module is struts-config.xml file, for this example.


<action type=”com.chandra.struts.LoginAction” path=”/login”>
                <forward name = “notValid” path = “/Login.html”/>
                <forward name=”admin” path=”/AdminHome.jsp”/>
                <forward name=”user path=”/UserHome.jsp”/>

The AdminHome.jsp which is presented in case if the login details are validated as an admin type user

Welcome to the Admin Home page<br/>
User Name :<%=request.getParameter(“uname”)%>

The UserHome.jsp which is presented in case if the login details are validated as user type

Welcome to the Non-Admin User Home Page<br/>
User Name: <%=request.getParameter(“uname”)%>

Finally, as discussed we need to configure ActionServlet in web.xml since it is also a normal servlet as any other servlet, the web.xml as follows.



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