Restful Web service Post continue  in this post I am try show another example CalcRest project here I am showing what I implemented better understanding you can implement  these steps once see video once and twice. Why because I am showing simple example here is if we practicing these example you can understand coming real time examples. This is basic example my opinion is basic foundation is strong first unless its waste of what I am trying and your time also. Okay come to the point

Creating and Publishing Restful Web Service

1.       Create a web service Project CalcRest

2.      Create a package name here I am created you can create as your wish

3.      Create a Java class ‘CalcREST’

4.      Add the methods

5.      Deploye the project

6.      Test  the Restful Web Serivce

                                            Note: These Steps what I mentioned these are showed in my videos. One thing you need to identify here I did one general mistake every one do like that after second video I mean continue second video modify that error resolved the problem.  Why I am showing like that is every one did those mistakes very common here the matter is how to resolve those errors is important . Please see two videos and make practice once, we continue example next post also

Restful CalcRest Example 2.0 video here. if you are not able to see this video please click this link

Continue Second Video for same Example for correcting error what we get error in first video last please see twice if you are not understanding. i am sure that you are able to understand very nicely. please wait for some more time for uploading video..if your not able to view following video please click this link

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