RESTful web services are based on the way how our web works. Our very own world wide web (www) – the largest distributed application – is based on an architectural style called REST - Representational State Transfer. REST is neither  a standard nor a protocol.It is just as architectural style like say for example client - server  architectural style like say for example client-server architecture(client-server is neither a standard nor a protocol).  Web services following this architectural style are said to RESTful Web services.
                                        RESTful web services are based on HTTP protocol and its methods PUT, GET, POST, and DELETE. These web services are better integrated with HTTP than SOAP-based services are, and as such do not require XML SOAP messages or WSDL service definitions.
                                    Java provides support for Restful web services through Java API for RESTful Web Services JAX-RS. The complete specification is available as JSR 311. JAX-RS is an annotation-based API for implementing RESTful web services, based on HTTP, in Java. Essentially, classes and methods are annotated with information that enables a runtime to expose them as resources – an approach that is very different from the one exposed by the servlet programming model. A runtime that implements JAX-RS mediates between the HTTP protocol and the Java classes, taking into account URIs, requested and accepted content types, and HTTP methods

Project Description

  In this example, we create a simple Java HelloGreetings class with operations ‘sayGreetings’.
  We expose these as restful web services which accepts HTTP GET Requests and sends the response as XML or Plain Text.

  The restful web service is made available at  http://localhost:8080/HelloWs/hello/sayGreetings             

  We send the parameters in the URI itself. For example, to sayGreetings chandra  URI is, http://localhost:8080/HelloWs/hello/sayGreetings /chandra            

  We then create a web service client which sends a HTTP GET Request to the mentioned URI and the response (result of the invoked web service) is displayed.


Ø  Java SE 6

Ø  MyEclipse IDE

Creating and Publishing Web Service

        Here I am not giving any steps why because if you may do some mistakes that’s why I am showing video. its taking time to uploading this please be back some more time.If your not able to see video here please click here

Web Service Introduction 

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