What are the designs – patterns used in developing struts framework?

Struts frame work is a complete web application framework that provides all the basic infrastructure functionality required for web application. It is designed to enhance / change each part of its implementation efficient it is implemented using number of core patters but some of them are
Ø  Front Controller
Ø  Application Controller
Ø  Command Pattern
Ø  Data Transfer  Object
Ø  View Helper
Ø  Composite View
Ø  Singleton
Ø  Factory Pattern
Ø  Context object Pattern
Some of the above listed patterns are discussed in the previous post and some other patterns like view Helper, composite view patterns will be discussed in the next post at the point they are needed. As we have discussed what is the struts and its need now we will discuss the struts architecture representing the basic elements in the following section.

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